The Lateral Building Design studio has been developed so clients can view building products and materials to enhance their designs. Interior, exterior and landscaping materials are all on display in the one location, saving our clients time and money and providing a convenient, visual experience.

How the LBD studio helps our clients and designers

The LBD studio is not just a place to browse. Our experienced design team will walk you through the studio and provide guidance and expert recommendations when it comes to pairing products or making material choices. Consider it a one-stop shop when it comes to your property design needs!

Many products, once space

Often, clients face the problem of not knowing where to start when it comes to material selection and/or not being able to see how some materials work together and complement each other. By having all our design materials in one place, clients can place different elements side by side to create a mood / sample board without having to visit numerous suppliers to obtain samples.

Visualise this

When our designers work on the design for your project, they can picture it in their mind. By inviting you to the studio, your designer can bring your design to life and demonstrate their vision for your home in its entirety. You’ll be able to see the products, colours and materials they plan to use. There’s no assuming what your home will look like once complete because you’ll get a little sneak peek beforehand!

But that’s not all!

The Lateral Building Design studio has so much potential. We currently host a business networking group each month and have donated the space for the Rotary Club of Maroondah to do a few ‘packing days’ in which they sort/pack toiletries and other products for those in need. Who knows, maybe we’ll host product launches, presentations from members of our supplier chain or any number of fun and informative events. The possibilities are endless!

If you’re looking for a unique and invaluable experience when it comes to your building design project, contact the team at Lateral Building Design and arrange a time to visit our studio.